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Illuminating the World of Fluoroorganic Chemistry: Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry (JFC) by Sciforce Publications

Delve into the captivating world of fluoroorganic chemistry, molecular fluorine compounds, and scientific discovery with the Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry (JFC), an esteemed publication by Sciforce Publications. JFC serves as a guiding light for the latest research and innovations in the field of fluoroorganic chemistry, offering insights into the unique properties and applications of fluorinated compounds. In this web content, we will explore the significance of JFC, its contributions to the scientific community, and the captivating realm of fluoroorganic chemistry.

JFC - Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry:

  • A Beacon of Fluorine Chemistry: Sciforce Publications is renowned for its commitment to scientific rigor and innovation, and JFC embodies this commitment. This journal stands at the forefront of disseminating groundbreaking research in fluoroorganic chemistry.
  • Comprehensive Focus: JFC covers a wide spectrum of topics within fluoroorganic chemistry, including synthesis methods, structural analysis, chemical reactivity, and applications in various industries. It serves as a comprehensive resource for multidisciplinary research.
  • Peer-Reviewed Excellence: Every article published in JFC undergoes a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring that only high-quality, impactful research finds its place in the journal. This commitment to quality establishes JFC as a trusted source of knowledge for researchers, chemists, chemical engineers, and scientists in diverse fields.

Contributions to Scientific Advancement:

  • Innovative Fluoroorganic Compounds: JFC showcases pioneering research in fluoroorganic compounds, featuring innovative syntheses and characterization of fluorinated molecules with unique properties.
  • Chemical Reactivity: The journal often features studies that provide valuable insights into the chemical reactivity and behavior of fluorine-containing compounds, shedding light on their potential applications.
  • Industrial Applications: Research in JFC explores the diverse applications of fluoroorganic chemistry in industries such as pharmaceuticals, materials science, agrochemicals, and more.
  • Green Chemistry: JFC examines sustainable and environmentally friendly approaches to fluoroorganic synthesis, contributing to the advancement of green chemistry methodologies.

Impact on Scientific Progress:

The research published in the Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry has profound implications for scientific progress:


  • Materials Innovation: JFC plays a pivotal role in advancing materials innovation by providing insights into the design and synthesis of novel fluorinated materials with unique properties.
  • Pharmaceutical Advancements: Insights from JFC often contribute to the development of new pharmaceutical compounds with enhanced bioavailability and therapeutic potential.
  • Sustainable Chemistry: JFC fosters scientific progress by providing a platform for researchers to share their discoveries and collaborate on innovative solutions in fluoroorganic chemistry, ultimately supporting sustainable and environmentally conscious chemical practices.

Our Mission:

Illuminating Chemistry through Fluoroorganic Innovation: Our Mission at the Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry (JFC) by Sciforce Publications

At the Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry (JFC) by Sciforce Publications, our mission is to be a beacon of progress in the field of fluoroorganic chemistry. We are dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge, fostering innovation in fluorine chemistry, and contributing to the development of novel fluoroorganic compounds and methodologies that empower researchers, chemists, industries, and society at large.

Our mission is built on several core principles:

  • Advancing Fluoroorganic Chemistry: We aim to push the boundaries of fluoroorganic chemistry through pioneering research. Our mission is to provide a platform for the dissemination of groundbreaking studies that contribute to the understanding and development of innovative fluoroorganic compounds and their applications.
  • Empowering Scientific Discovery: Fluoroorganic chemistry is a dynamic field with diverse applications. We are committed to supporting research that empowers scientists, chemists, researchers, and innovators to make significant discoveries and advancements in this specialized area of chemistry.
  • Promoting Scientific Excellence: Scientific excellence is at the heart of our mission. We uphold the highest standards of quality in fluoroorganic chemistry research. Our goal is to provide a respected platform for researchers, chemists, and experts to share their pioneering work.
  • Innovation in Fluorine Chemistry: Fluorine chemistry has far-reaching implications in various industries, from pharmaceuticals to materials science. Our mission is to promote research that leads to the development of novel fluorine-containing compounds and materials with enhanced properties.
  • Global Impact: JFC is dedicated to serving the global scientific and industrial communities. Our mission is to provide a platform for researchers and professionals from around the world to share their insights, fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange.
  • Sustainable and Safe Chemistry: We prioritize the importance of sustainable and safe fluoroorganic chemistry practices. Our mission is to promote research that leads to the development of greener and more environmentally friendly methods and materials.
  • Knowledge Dissemination: We recognize the power of knowledge dissemination. Our mission is to make high-quality fluoroorganic chemistry research accessible to researchers, chemists, industries, policymakers, and anyone committed to advancing the field of fluorine chemistry for a better future.

The Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry (JFC) by Sciforce Publications is guided by a mission to illuminate chemistry through fluoroorganic innovation. We are dedicated to expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge, promoting innovation in fluorine chemistry, and contributing to a future where fluoroorganic compounds and methodologies have a profound impact on research, technology, and industry. Through our commitment to scientific excellence, global impact, and knowledge dissemination, we aspire to make a significant contribution to the field of fluoroorganic chemistry, enabling discoveries and practices that benefit chemistry, science, and society as a whole. Join us in our mission to advance fluoroorganic chemistry for a brighter and more innovative future.


Aim and Scope

Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry (JFC) is a broad field of organic chemistry, and its related disciplines are medicinal chemistry, bio-organic chemistry, and pharmaceutical chemistry. JFC provides rapid dissemination of original research articles, reviews, short communications, rapid communications, and abstracts. Rapid communications and abstracts of such research preserve their research credibility and to transmit their new contributions quickly to other researchers and the public. Fluoroorganic chemistry describes the chemistry of the organofluorines, organic compounds that contain the carbon–fluorine bond. Organofluorine compounds find diverse applications ranging from oil and water repellents to pharmaceuticals, refrigerants, and reagents in catalysis. In addition to these applications, some organofluorine compounds are pollutants because of their contributions to ozone depletion, global warming, bioaccumulation, and toxicity. The area of organofluorine chemistry often requires special techniques associated with the handling of fluorinating agents. Biologically synthesized Fluoroorganic have been found in microorganisms and plants, but not animals. The most common example is fluoroacetate, which occurs as a plant defence against herbivores in at least 40 plants in Australia, Brazil and Africa. Other biologically synthesized organofluorines include ω-fluoro fatty acids, fluoroacetone, and 2-fluorocitrate which are all believed to be biosynthesized in biochemical pathways from the intermediate fluoroacetaldehyde. Adenosyl-fluoride synthase is an enzyme capable of biologically synthesizing the carbon–fluorine bond. Man made carbon–fluorine bonds are commonly found in pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals because it adds stability to the carbon framework; also, the relatively small size of fluorine is convenient as fluorine acts as an approximate bioisostere of the hydroxyl group. Introducing the carbon–fluorine bond to organic compounds is the major challenge for medicinal chemists using Fluoroorganic chemistry, as the carbon–fluorine bond increases the probability of having a successful drug by about a factor of ten. An estimated 20% of pharmaceuticals, and 30–40% of agrichemicals are organofluorines, including several of the top drugs. Organofluorine chemistry impacts many areas of everyday life and technology. The C-F bond is found in pharmaceuticals, agrichemicals, fluoropolymers, refrigerants, surfactants, anesthetics, oil-repellents, catalysis, and water-repellents, among others.The carbon-fluorine bond is commonly found in pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals because it is generally metabolically stable and fluorine acts as a bioisostere of the hydrogen atom. An estimated one fifth of pharmaceuticals contain fluorine, including several of the top drugs. Examples include 5-fluorouracil, flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), ciprofloxacin (Cipro), mefloquine, and fluconazole. Fluorine-substituted ethers are volatile anesthetics, including the commercial products methoxyflurane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane. Fluorocarbon anesthetics reduce the hazard of flammability with diethyl ether and cyclopropane. Perfluorinated alkanes are used as blood substitutes.

Sciforce Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry  (JFC) journals and research papers are a gateway to the community of Fluoroorganic Chemistry experts, researchers and peers. While adhering to the international standards of online publishing, JFC aims to publish high quality, informative, scientific and well-researched content.

Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry

  • ADME
  • Agrochemistry
  • Analytical chemistry
  • Applied Chemistry
  • Astrochemistry
  • Bioavailability
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioinorganic chemistry
  • Bioorganic chemistry
  • Biophysical chemistry
  • Calorimetry
  • Chemical biology
  • Chemical kinetics
  • Chemical physics
  • Chemogenomics
  • Cluster chemistry
  • Computational chemistry
  • Cosmochemistry
  • Drug delivery
  • Drug design
  • Drug discovery
  • Drug targeting
  • Electrochemistry
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Enzyme inhibitor
  • Fullerene chemistry
  • Galenic formulation
  • Geochemistry
  • Immunochemistry
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Ligand efficiency
  • Mechanism of action
  • Medicinal chemistry
  • Molecular biology
  • Molecular Conceptor
  • Neurochemistry
  • New chemical entity
  • Nuclear chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Organometallic chemistry
  • Pharmacodynamics
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacophore
  • Pharmacy
  • Photochemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Physical organic chemistry
  • Polymer chemistry
  • Quantitative structure-activity relationship
  • Quantum chemistry
  • Solid-state chemistry
  • Spectroscopy
  • Supramolecular chemistry
  • Surface science
  • Theoretical chemistry
  • Thermochemistry
  • Xenobiotic metabolism

The Journal of Fluoroorganic Chemistry by Sciforce Publications is a guiding light in the dynamic field of fluoroorganic chemistry and the unique properties of fluorine-containing compounds. Its dedication to scientific excellence, innovation, and impactful research makes it an indispensable resource for scientists, researchers, chemists, chemical engineers, and anyone intrigued by the transformative power of fluoroorganic chemistry. Explore the pages of JFC to stay updated on the latest developments and breakthroughs in this fascinating field, and join the journey toward illuminating the world of molecular fluorine compounds and their applications.